Why Can't You Use Phones On Planes?

Please ensure your seat backs and tray tables are in the upright and locked position and turn off any handheld electronic devices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute what I mean I understand why I had to check my paintball gun but it's my tiny little iPhone really gonna bring down a Boeing 787 does it really matter if I'm watching the an excellent recent tech quickie episode about fax machines as the plane rolls down the tarmac well to answer this question we need a little bit of history the United States Federal Communication Commission or FCC you know the same group of folks at the center of every debate over net neutrality banned phone calls on planes way back in 1991 when the privileged few that had cell phones were carrying around things that looked like this this rule was passed over concerns that the radio waves emitted from a cell phone could interfere with more important radio transmissions such as communications between air traffic control and pilots so that your plane ca...