How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks for Faster Rankings
Hey everyone, it's Fatha and today's another day of SEO Unlocked. And today we're going to be going over specific tactics that you can use to get links. You should always have a well-rounded portfolio of ways to get links. If you don't, you're not going to do well when it comes to link building, because you have to adapt. But here's the thing, link building's a deliberate practice. You need to keep practicing and practicing and doing it to get better at it. People like Jerry Seinfeld, he's crushed it. He's done so well from Seinfeld the TV show that many of you have seen, he's worth a ton of money. Why? Because he constantly is always practicing and writing jokes. Same with athletes. Lebron James, amazing basketball player. Michael Jordan, amazing basketball player. Tiger Woods, amazing at golf. All these people have continually focused on one skill and got better and better. And I know you have more things to do in your life than just li...