Why Can't You Use Phones On Planes?

Please ensure your seat backs and tray

tables are in the upright and locked

position and turn off any handheld

electronic devices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait a minute what I

mean I understand why I had to check my

paintball gun but it's my tiny little

iPhone really gonna bring down a Boeing

787 does it really matter if I'm

watching the an excellent recent tech

quickie episode about fax machines as

the plane rolls down the tarmac well to

answer this question we need a little

bit of history the United States Federal

Communication Commission or FCC you know

the same group of folks at the center of

every debate over net neutrality banned

phone calls on planes way back in 1991

when the privileged few that had cell

phones were carrying around things that

looked like this this rule was passed

over concerns that the radio waves

emitted from a cell phone could

interfere with more important radio

transmissions such as communications

between air traffic control and pilots

so that your plane can avoid you know

little obstacles like thunderstorms

mountains and other planes later on as

other types of devices like portable

audio and video players became more

widespread there was further concern

that even devices that didn't transmit

data over the air could interfere with

critical airplane electronics like

Positioning Systems and to be very clear

this was more than the type of idle

paranoia that you'd find at a typical

PTA meeting in fact one passengers

handheld DVD player caused an instrument

in a cockpit to indicate the plane was

pointed in the wrong direction in an

incident back in 1999 with that said

modern aviation electronics or avionics

resist interference far better than they

used to and on top of that there's never

been any definitive evidence linking

portable consumer electronics to an

actual crash

so in response to this reality the

Federal Aviation Administration relaxed

their rules about exactly when

passengers could use their gadgets in

2013 and since then US flights have been

allowed Electronics use throughout the

flight even below 10,000 feet which was

previously banned because takeoff and

landing are the most dangerous segments

of flight when lots of things need to

happen with precision in a particular

order for safe departure and arrival but

the new rule only allows the use of non

transmitting devices so while you can

use an iPad to watch a movie that you've

saved to its local storage you can

forget about a voice call on a cellular

network hence the famous airplane mode

that stops all transmissions to end from

the device but why I mean we're living

in the age of in-flight Wi-Fi for crying

out loud but you can learn more about

here and the FCC has even allocated

specific frequencies to cellular

connections to reduce the risk of

interference with flight why are we

still told not to make a quick call

while waiting on an overpriced cocktail

from the flight attendant well the

answer may be as simple as the powers

that be being fine with the rule as it

is in April 2017 the chairman of the FCC

actually rejected a proposal to allow

cell phone calls on flights because he

this is a quote valued a moment of quiet

at 30,000 feet with the press release

not saying a single word about actual

safety and in Europe passengers are

allowed to use their cellular data

it's just calls that are banned to avoid

annoying other passengers and I guess

there are also those who further

speculate that this could be a case of

government regulators cozying up to

companies who want to charge people for

in-flight communication services we're

not gonna get too deep into how true

that may or may not be but now that I

think about it with the way I get

nickel and dimed by the airlines these

days it wouldn't surprise me that much

if that were true although with that

said it wouldn't surprise me that much

to see a credit card reader on the

lavatory door at some point so speaking

of getting nickel and dimed synergy

doesn't do that synergy is a software

download that solves the problem of

having two keyboards and two mice on

your desk at the same time forget that

stuff just to install synergy on all

your computers and share one Mouse and

one keyboard between two or more so

you'll no longer confuse which one goes

with which they offer a basic and a pro

option with a one-time payment for

lifetime access features include things

like clipboard sharing between computers

dragging and dropping files between

computers the ability to set up hotkeys

and even the ability to share your

peripherals between different operating

systems seriously you can have like a

Windows a Mac and a Linux PC you just

move your mouse across them it's like

freaking magic so if you wanna try out

synergy and save some money check out

the link in the video description now so

thanks for watching guys

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