10 Cool and Amazing Websites You must Know in 2021

10 amazing cool websites you must know in 2021

Hey guys it's fatha here again 😁 and today I'm going to be showing you 10 amazing cool websites that you should know about these are definitely going to save you a lot of headaches and time and please follow eazy technical help  let's do it 

1. The first website is a great way to find the wi-fi passwords at every airport what you have to do is go to google and type in google airport wi-fi Click on the first link and it's going to bring up google maps and all you have to do is find the airport that you are at the click on it and on the left-hand side it will give you all the passwords and network names even for some of the lounges in there enjoy. and another amazing website for wifi hack is, another website wifispc will give you all the wi-fi passwords for stores and restaurants around you.
how to know airports wifi

2. We have virustotal this website allows you to scan any file or URL that you have for malicious content simply drag your file into the upload spot and it'll tell you if it's malicious also with the URL if you ever worried about going to the website just throw it in this first and check to see if it's clean stay safe.
how to know if any file or website have virus or malware

3.We have mcbroken website this one is for all you ice cream lovers in the united states I don't know if ice cream machines are there in India or not seems like every time we go to a McDonald's nowadays their ice cream machine is broken. what you're gonna do is find yourself on the map and all these dots are McDonald's if you click on one it'll let you know if their ice cream machine is broken all you have to do is find the ones that have a working machine and drive to there.
check McDonald's ice cream machine

4.This website importyeti was a website created by a Reddit user and what it allows you to do is search for any company's supplier so if you're worried about a company that might be shady you can type in the company's name and we can find out where all their product is coming from in every single shipment, they've had so it'll give you the shipments over time if we scroll down it's going to tell you
all the product descriptions and where are they importing from.
how to know companys supplier

This website is amazing for movies lovers wornontv so you're watching one of your favorites shows or movies and you're wondering where you can buy their outfits from you can go to warrenontv.net type in the tv show or character we'll go with big bang theory on it and then you can select from a character up top or we can pick an episode.
where to get celebrity clothes

6.We have remove.bg this is a great website for any graphic designers or anyone using photoshop you can use it for youtube thumbnails or any other kind of art what this website does is removes the
background from any image. This is much easier than going into photoshop using your lassos or whatever, this only took me five seconds.
how to remove background of photos easily

7. hotpot.ai now this website has a ton of tools on it I think some of them are paid for but what I recommend is going to the picture restore and picture colorizer.
online piture colourizer and changer

8.we have myfridgefood.com this one's great if you have a lot of ingredients in your fridge but you don't know exactly what to make or how to make it all i have to do is select your ingredients this is the quick kitchen you can if you find your ingredients on here you can click them or you can just hit show all ingredients then from here you just scroll down and add whatever you have in your pantry or
refrigerator I'm just going to cook a bunch of random things yeah baked beans canned corn and then once you've added everything that you have in your fridge just hit find recipes and this will give you a
a ton of recipes that you can make with anything you need you'll notice as you scroll further down it's going to tell you if you have any missing ingredients for the recipe you can go out and buy those and then once you've found a recipe you like just Click on it and it will tell you the directions and how to make it enjoyable.
what to cook from fridge ingredients

9. we have photopea.com what this website is basically a free web version of photoshop at photoshop pulled upright now and you can see all the tools on the left and everything it offers up top photoshop are owned by Adobe and they have a monthly charge to use photoshop so instead you can go to photopea.com totally free and if you take a look on the left-hand side all the tools look almost the same
and it has a lot of the same functionality up top as well and you can open up photoshop project files so that's good.
adobe photoshop alternative

10. radio.garden this is a great way to relax and find new music around the world when you first get to the website it's going to bring up a map of the world with all these little green dots every single green dot is a radio station you can listen to you can add favorites down in the bottom left or search for a station or you can just drag and go all over the world.
listen to the world radio

Thanks for reading guys I hope you all enjoyed those 10 websites and hopefully y'all use them in the future. Do share this on social media.

all this amazing content from Matty McTech


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