How to Build Social Network Apps - for iOS, Android, Web Development - How to Make an App

asked how those people build Facebook

how do people build Instagram or

snapchat or maybe you want to be a

Productivity app that ask the user to

log in and sign up and then store some

data on the web or in other words your

back-end you have your own back-end or

maybe you want to build game that you

store the user data and then store some

characters and start some videos and

some assets or maybe you want to build

social network apps the last user to

chat with each other

the last users to same videos same

photos share all of those things like

them and all those things how do people

build a pin that is this topic 

 I would love to share with you of

the idea that most NASA day is how most

apps work and more importantly how you

as an iris developer or an Android web

or web developer can build that too so

that is the topic today now before we do

that it's very simple before we do that

let's imagine let's think about one app

idea that you got let's say I have an

app like jump back a few years ago was

right 10 years ago

I have the app idea to build Facebook or


right the app idea is I want users to be

able to lock and sign up and then share

photos just that it's simple right how

can we build that well as it turns out

that whenever you have an app idea like

that right you're going to have as just

like the process of development as for

every developer for every startup that

you have an odd idea you draw on the

paper or do a fancy UI on iPad pro you

draw it like this is like that you have

something we call a simple mainframe or

just some drawing some sketches right

and then you have to bring that thing

into something we come to a team of

designers right a designer's team so

they look they might get pretty the

might get nice and from that designer

team you can create something we call a

prototype the prototype is not

actually it is just some images some if

it is faint here we have some animation

some interaction some transition from

one screen to another screen for example

if I go to Instagram the app idea is

Instagram I go there login screen a

welcome screen and then login screen if

the user don't have an account then we

goes into signup screen after we sign up

screen we are going to goes into the

newsfeed right after the news feed goes

into the camera the camera will post

photo those kind of things then the flow

of the app that is the walk of the

founder of you as a developer or if

you're working a team then that is the

founder or the have like the research

and development department those kind of

stuff right after that they're going to

hand over to of visiting will be more

specifically in web development than

this than is the woman or Android

development right but we have a

front-end developer now front-end

developers is the ones who create the

app inside the thing okay now the

front-end which is like the app and the

users into right on the screen then we

also have a back-end server a back-end

developers that use things like Python

PHP Ruby on Rails JavaScript those

castings and for the front-end if you

build as for iPhone then you switch if

you build apps for Android you Java and

Android studio you build up for web


then maybe use Java maybe use HD of

course you use HTML CSS maybe you use

are things like JavaScript which is for

the interaction right or you use Ruby on

Rails those kind of stuff again now here

is how the model work why is that front

end why's that all those back-end look

at this app guy for example this app so

we have something like a back-end right

all the tools that we use I personally

prefer to use sketch Xcode and fiber is

when I build i OS apps

sketch is just like Photoshop it's

simple or it's easier to use it's

it's banner okay it personally when I

design apt is it allows us to draw very

easily now all those things when we have

an app like this okay the ad the

front-end like that and then this is the

back end I use five ways you can use

things like Amazon AWS you can use

things like Google Cloud you can use

things like like what is that thing here

oh cool or or pause service on Heroku

those happens okay now here's how the

model work for every single app you name

it we have App Store is also that works

in this model too if you have a

Instagram Facebook snapchat or every

single game nowadays use that things

okay this model very simple model that

is you have an app and then the app is

going to talk to the server which is

some computers in some data thinner

right connected to the internet so it

means that if we're going if you upload

some photo then it will upload the photo

to the server to the backend as we say

or if you request to download some

videos then this thing was same a

download request to the backend saying

that hey my back-end or hey my data

center I won't have this video at this

URL or at this location okay and then

the backend is going to return us some

data if we ask for some some videos are

going to return some videos or some

photos or some messages right it's the

same for example if you want to build a

chat application okay a chat application

how does the chat chat application works

well when I think of a chat application

no matter it is a web development or

Android or iOS development it walk to

the square we have a back-end that store

user information that stores things like

login sign up profile pictures okay

things and then store only chat on the

messages on the photos and videos right

so for example in a chat

whenever I want to send a chat message

to my frien right so let's say I have

two devices over here

I have one device is this iPhone and

another one is this iPad over here right

so I want to chat from this iPhone to

the iPad how does it work this is the

iPhone send the right message to jacket

no it's go up like this the iPhone when

I taught me in a message hello there is

a Duke right the message is going to

send to our back-end to the server

and then if we sent properly that means

that the message will directly st. or

fetch or data into our another device

gap then this thing would send a message

to my iPad or into this thing right

another client as we call it

okay so this is the whole model where

the a bunch of devices but if iPhones

I've had web browsers and then one

single back-end or multiple data centers

so same thing if you think about the

scale of Facebook again that is it that

is that simple but if we now when you go

when I teach a program called socialize

your app it is the program or I shared

with people how to build appliques look

Instagram Nike retail store those kind

of things and in that program we spent

just four to five or six weeks and build

the MVP meaning the Minimum Viable

Product for those world class at now it

may sound crazy to you when you think

about building those apps it takes like

thousands of hours of thousands of

people right but imagine but think about

it when Facebook just got started when

snapchat get Cisco start or Instagram

discussed are there only one or two or

three people doing that okay so they

only they only need just a few people or

just only you develop an MVP

simple features the most important

features of the app that you things that

is different is adding values to

people's lives there is distinct from

the marketplace that says you don't have

to do that scale Facebook because hey

Instagram it's all for the first few

years it's all about posting a bunch of

photos on a newsfeed and that's it

and now when Faizal goes into that add

more things like machine learning

artificial intelligence those kind of

things or image processing those kind of

things so that it can show you the

photos that you are likely to see you

want to see or explore people that maybe

you want to see the photos those type

things but it all boils down into this

model you have a bunch of clients your

users using the font and then you have

the back end just like that so think

about the app that you want to build

think about the app you want to build

what do you need what you are going to

need their app on the phone and you need

a back-end I personally recommend

firebase or Heroku or Amazon AWS guy

check out those three services so that

is all I want to talk about in this

blog how you build those kinds up and

how most apps nowadays use those

services I hope that this blog is

valuable to you

and also it is maybe made it much more

clarity for you of the whole world of

apps of web apps of services out there

and my hope for you is that you realize

you can be the next one who build

something that millions of people or

even just kings people use it it could

be the best this would be the job of a

developer and by the way if you love

this kind of training you'll love to see

more blogs like this hit the follow

button so that I can develop free

training blogs for you every single

week craft ideas and contribute to the world

I see you next time



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